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My Story

I don't have just one passion. Most people know me for loving being a mum, loving music, needing to rescue every single animal on the planet and of course loving reflexology.

I qualified in massage 14yrs ago, but it wasn't until 6yrs later that I really got going with it. At first I offered massages for £20 and had people telling me I was worth so much more, but I didn't budge, it was all about reaching as many people as possible and convincing THEM they were worth so much more. But eventually I caved and it felt good being financially independent again. I felt more confident and realised that perhaps I was worth it after all. I then knew I wanted to learn more, so I trained more, but nothing really fired my passion, until I found reflexology.

Reflexology took my breath away, everything about it echoed how I felt inside. It made me feel whole again and had me believing in myself, it was like reaching a destination and that doesn't happen to me very often.

Because here's the thing, I've spent my life starting things and never finishing them. I know it's partly to do with being ill as a child and with constant relapses, I could rarely finish things, but this disconnect continued even when I got better and I was always seen as someone who couldn't get their head together. I let people down all the time, I didn't mean to, I'm not sure anyone means to, but some days I can become acutely overwhelmed and give up in an instant. It takes so much mental energy to push through to the end and many times, I won't make it, but when I do, it's like the world has been lifted from my shoulders.

So why tell you this, apart from the need to acknowledge it myself, let friends know they're not alone in this and perhaps ask for people's forgiveness if I let them down, it's because reflexology is my thing, it's how I help and support people and no matter where my head might be or what change I might make next, I'll never give up on reflexology..

Reflexology to me is wholeness, bringing together everything we've come to think of as separate, it's finding a meaning, reaching a destination. It's at the root of who I am and what I believe in and that's worth sharing.


Jules x

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